Surveillance in real-time

ALTI unmanned systems Transition revolutionized disaster response with its real-time aerial surveillance, significantly aiding in efficient search, rescue, and coordination in a coastal emergency scenario.

Project overview

In this case study, we will explore the utilization of the ALTI UAS Transition aircraft, a versatile unmanned aircraft system, for surveillance in real-time during a disaster response operation. The project aimed to enhance the situational awareness of emergency management teams, aid in decision-making, and improve search and rescue efforts in a disaster-affected coastal regions. The ALTI UAS Transition was chosen for its exceptional real-time surveillance capabilities, vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, and its ability to survey for extended ranges and flight time. This allowed it to access both urban and remote areas efficiently & effectively.

Project approach

The project approach consisted of implementing the ALTI Transition in a disaster response operation following a major natural disaster. The UAS was equipped with advanced visual imaging systems, including high-resolution cameras, with a combination of visible (EO) and Long-Wave infrared (LWIR) sensors capable of capturing real-time video footage. A team of trained operators remotely controlled the UAS, ensuring its safe and efficient operation throughout the mission. The project approach encompassed the following steps: Deployment and Setup: The ALTI Transition was deployed to the disaster-affected coastal region. The trained UAS operators ensured the proper setup and calibration of the UAS following rigorous pre-flight checks, including its imaging systems and communication equipment to ensure the safe operation of the overall system. The UAS was configured to transmit live video feeds and establish communication networks as needed. Real-Time Surveillance: The UAS was remotely piloted to capture high-resolution aerial footage of the disaster-affected area in real-time. The live video feeds were transmitted to the emergency management teams, providing them with a comprehensive aerial perspective, and situational awareness of the affected areas. The UAS operators remotely piloted the unmanned aircraft using its autonomous flight planning features to cover critical areas, capturing detailed imagery to assist in damage assessment and resource allocation. Search and Rescue Support: The ALTI`s Transition advanced EO/IR imaging capabilities, were utilized to aid search and rescue efforts. The UAS operators surveyed the disaster area, locating survivors and relaying real-time information to ground teams. The Transition's rapid deployment and quick response time facilitated efficient search operations, increasing the likelihood of successful rescues. Communication and Coordination: The ALTI Transition served as a crucial communication hub, establishing temporary networks and relaying signals in areas with damaged or overloaded communication infrastructure. This enabled seamless communication and coordination between emergency response teams, enhancing overall effectiveness and facilitating timely decision-making. Data Analysis and Reporting: The high-resolution imagery and video footage captured by the UAS were analyzed by the emergency management teams. The data assisted in damage assessment, resource allocation, and planning of future rehabilitation efforts. The findings and insights derived from the data were documented in reports for further analysis and future reference. By implementing the ALTI Transition for real-time surveillance, the project successfully achieved its objectives of enhancing situational awareness, aiding decision-making, and improving search and rescue operations during the disaster response. The project demonstrated the effectiveness of the ALTI Transition unmanned aircraft in providing critical information, facilitating efficient communication, and contributing to the overall success of the operation.
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